Finding Yourself...

So what does it mean to 'Find yourself ' ??
I had never really thought about that phrase... until recently... finding myself headed for a divorce after over 20 years with the same man I began to understand the depth of those two simple words...
The meaning that they took on over the next few months was by no description 'simple'... I have made some very crucial discoveries about myself and my life...
Here are just a few:
- My two teenage boys understand more than I even care to explain to them.
- My family has and always will be my greatest support system.
- When your kids hurt- you hurt deeper for them.
- You learn that you can and will do things that you were convinced only your husband could do.
- Overwhelming is only a feeling and it WILL pass.
- Your kids can get thru these things if they believe that there is stablility in their lives.
- You do not have to tolerate harrassment with your ex just because you have kids together.
- Your kids will respect you a whole lot more if you DON'T bad-mouth the other parent or try to be vindictive towards them.
- That your family appreciates hugs and kisses as payment in full for all they do.
- And the biggest thing that I have had to learn... You cannot make a man love and do right by his kids.
These are only a few of the things that I have learned over the last 7 months... and it is part of the slow process to 'finding myself '...
Make sure you smile today just for me!
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