Monday, December 26, 2005

And in a blur...

... of a moment, it was all here and done!

Yep- talkin about Christmas! That one day that we all literally kill ourselves gettin ready for and in a flash before our eyes it's all gone... Well, let me rephrase that- it's almost gone... we have what look's like an explosion of (insert your favorite retailer here) in our living rooms! And Heaven help the trashman this coming week...

I thought I was actually cutting back this year... you know... being more sensible! SENSIBLE during Christmas Holidays?? Is that even POSSIBLE??

I did manage to squeeze some clothes in the mix for the boys... was tired of seeing Alex's pants falling off and hearing him say I don't have any shirts (translation= "I don't have any shirts that I wanna wear") ... And I have to smile widely that so far (fingers still crossed) everything FITS great!! No return, wooohooo!!!

Then add into the mix tons of games, games, games... yep- it was definitely another Circuit City Christmas here... PC games, game cube, PS2, just to name a few... I have actually enjoyed gettin to take the time this year to sit and watch them play some of their games though... Have I ever done this before?? Hmmmm, I am sure that I must have but it seemed to be higher on the priority list this year.

I was really worried about Aaron's amp.... could visualize neighbors knocking at the door going "Ummmm... could you please turn that down a bit over here?" But I have been pleasantly surprised that he has been very responsible so far- nothing has been knocked off the walls and he has kept it to a gentle rumble and not long at a time - I think he is testing the waters right now- ya know, see how much mom can take before she says Frankly, what he doesn't realize is that I love listening to him play his guitar!

Somehow, we didn't get the Christmas cards sent out to anybody except the scrapbooking group that did the card list... I did not make the fudge this year... My daddy did not get cookies Christmas day (and I still feel guilty about this one- gonna have to bake them today)... I did not visit each and every single friend that I have... Absolutely NOTHING was wrapped perfect like it was supposed to be photographed for Good Housekeeping Magazine... We didn't let mom cook for two day just so we could all stuff our bellies...

... and the list goes on and on and on but all in all it was still one of the best Christmas Holiday Seasons that we have ever had!! Maybe, just maybe it was because we spent more time enjoying each other instead of all of our time getting ready to enjoy each other!

Virtual Hugs.....


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