'He didn't really wanna talk to me'
"He didn't really wanna talk to me". And the phone gets slammed down... What do you mean, baby?? "He seemed so FAKE, mom".
That is what I had to hear coming from the mouth of my 15 year old son the other night after talking to his dad for the first time in over 6 months. He had made up his mind that he was not talking to him at all. His exact words when I asked him why? "Cause it won't do any good".
Their grandmother (my estranged husband's mother) is on her dying bed... she has been fighting cancer for many years. The phone calls started again... yeah, the same ones... the ones where he tries to make everyone believe that he is trying to call but he hangs up before the caller ID picks up any info. I automatically knew something was up. A few days later I came home to a message on the answering machine from his aunt... requesting that the boys call her concerning their grandmother. I returned the phone call and sure enough- he had them all convinced that he has been trying to call and no one will answer the phone.
I made arrangements for her to call that night (after a lengthy conversation) so that the boys could talk with their grandmother... That is how the 15 year old got on the phone with his dad... his grandmother asked him to talk to his dad for HER... and he said that he wasn't gonna tell her no because she was dying...
I am VERY proud of the two fine young men that reside in this household... they have came a long way in the last year... It is a SHAME that their dad does not appreciate them enough to wanna see them grow up... Maybe they were doing it the whole time and I was just too pre-occupied with a bad relationship to enjoy it!
Whatever is responsible- I'm sure glad that my eyes are open now!!
You cannot imagine how hard that I hope that one day that man will wake up and see what he is doin... To try to make some kind of amends with his boys...
Virtual Hugs... Bonnie
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