Three Strikes and You're OUT !!
Three strikes and you're out....
That's what my new favorite phrase is gonna be!! I checked the mail this afternoon after spending the last week getting contempt figures ready for my attorney and GUESS WHAT WAS IN THE MAIL...
A letter from my attorney's office forwarded from the judge saying that he will consider my ex's motion for a new trial and also hear my attorney's arguements at the same time... Ok, I just about blew a gasket on that one!! There has got to be an end to the madness my ex is putting me thru... I mean, deal with it- I'm not your's anymore... And no matter what you put me thru I will still leave smiling just knowing that I am finally DIVORCED from you!!!!
I figure sometime during that conference I can surely squeeze in the statement that if he was actually MADE to pay his child support or ANY child support at all- he probably would not have had the money to hire his THIRD attorney... I mean, geez... surely the judge can see if the first two couldn't do anything with him cuz he wouldn't even listen to his own attorney... what else can the third one possibly add to the mix????
What burns my a** up is the fact that the paperwork that was sent to the judge contained absolutely nothing truthful... and not by my opinion but it had all already been proved different in the temporary hearing... So, am I to expect that every time he gets the notion to run out and tell the same lame story to another attorney - I will then have to PAY for my attorney to go to court and defend me against the same stuff we have already proved???
There has got to be an end to the madness... I WILL have a life and there is absolutely NO WAY that my ex is wiping this smile off of my face...
I'll be there for that hearing with bells on my toes and one helluva smile on my face!!