Monday, December 26, 2005

And in a blur...

... of a moment, it was all here and done!

Yep- talkin about Christmas! That one day that we all literally kill ourselves gettin ready for and in a flash before our eyes it's all gone... Well, let me rephrase that- it's almost gone... we have what look's like an explosion of (insert your favorite retailer here) in our living rooms! And Heaven help the trashman this coming week...

I thought I was actually cutting back this year... you know... being more sensible! SENSIBLE during Christmas Holidays?? Is that even POSSIBLE??

I did manage to squeeze some clothes in the mix for the boys... was tired of seeing Alex's pants falling off and hearing him say I don't have any shirts (translation= "I don't have any shirts that I wanna wear") ... And I have to smile widely that so far (fingers still crossed) everything FITS great!! No return, wooohooo!!!

Then add into the mix tons of games, games, games... yep- it was definitely another Circuit City Christmas here... PC games, game cube, PS2, just to name a few... I have actually enjoyed gettin to take the time this year to sit and watch them play some of their games though... Have I ever done this before?? Hmmmm, I am sure that I must have but it seemed to be higher on the priority list this year.

I was really worried about Aaron's amp.... could visualize neighbors knocking at the door going "Ummmm... could you please turn that down a bit over here?" But I have been pleasantly surprised that he has been very responsible so far- nothing has been knocked off the walls and he has kept it to a gentle rumble and not long at a time - I think he is testing the waters right now- ya know, see how much mom can take before she says Frankly, what he doesn't realize is that I love listening to him play his guitar!

Somehow, we didn't get the Christmas cards sent out to anybody except the scrapbooking group that did the card list... I did not make the fudge this year... My daddy did not get cookies Christmas day (and I still feel guilty about this one- gonna have to bake them today)... I did not visit each and every single friend that I have... Absolutely NOTHING was wrapped perfect like it was supposed to be photographed for Good Housekeeping Magazine... We didn't let mom cook for two day just so we could all stuff our bellies...

... and the list goes on and on and on but all in all it was still one of the best Christmas Holiday Seasons that we have ever had!! Maybe, just maybe it was because we spent more time enjoying each other instead of all of our time getting ready to enjoy each other!

Virtual Hugs.....

I Can't Get Enough....

One of my favorite Christmas presents...
And I am in love with this cd!


Thursday, December 22, 2005

My To Do List Consist Of....

...Go Look at Christmas Lights

... Bake More Cookies for the Boys

... Listen to my All-time Favorite Christmas cd

... Mail last minute stuff (yeah, it's gonna be late)

... Finish Shopping for the boys

News Well Deserved....

I have never been one to play on someone else's bad news or times. It just doesn't seem like the thing that a decent person, brought up in a good family would do BUT....

... I got a very unexpected phone call yesterday. Yep, you guessed it- from the husband that just won't let go. Now, mind you, that I have had to PAY my attorney every single month without fail (sometimes twice in one month) to get this man to send one single dime to even FEED his own kids. Yeah, he is under a court order but that doesn't matter to him... second time around with that deal - he hasn't faced the music from the first contempt yet so what the hell, right?? Three years income taxes still probably not address (fixing to be four) but nothing has come of that yet so what the hell, right?? WRONG!!

His attorney has told him that he cannot represent him any longer... omg! News of the century right there... His attorney has cancer and has been taking chemo treatments and this has been why I have been unable to get him into court (ONCE in over a yr- pathetic)...

SOOOO... when he first called... I got the distinct impression that this man was trying to say he wanted to start talking and see if we could work things out and maybe COME BACK HERE????

Ok- Brain goes dead!!

Surely, I have misunderstood what I thought I heard?? So, I continue to listen... Eyebrows raising... yep, think that is EXACTLY what he is trying to say... You have got to be kidding!! So, without further ado- cut that one off at the pass- Ummm, I STILL want a divorce!! Geez, how many times do I have to say that one little sentence for it to soak into your pea sized brain?? Thinkin to myself -I don't hate you for what you have done- you're just not the kinda man that I wanna grow old with, ok??

Ok, so now we have that part outta the way... here comes the REAL story... CAN'T keep paying the money... HA!! Somebody pick me up off the floor- I think we just hit 25 years of marital problems on the head right there with that sentence... Cuz how he sees this is- He just can't do it so somebody else will have to! Not- well, hell! Guess if I DON'T wanna go to jail- I MIGHT better stop buying cigarettes for me and my girlfriend and I might better stop buying beer and getting stopped for open container (and being posted in a local paper) and I might better stop feeding someone else's kids while my girlfriend tells her ex that if he keeps his mouth shut in court that she won't make him pay child support right now!! I might wanna think about gettin a second job or finding more work or tell my girlfriend that she has to get a job?? Hmmmm.... So, as usual- he has once again (even though I have filed for a divorce) looked to Bonnie to fix this problem!!!!

Well, I hate to be the one to lower the boom here on ya bud BUT Bonnie gave up the caregiver, keep you safe, do whatever needed to be done, ask her mom for the money nice wife the day you came home and told me you were seeing someone... AGAIN- Don't hate you for that- it has actually been a relief but you should now be looking to someone else to fix your problems!

He says that he has BORROWED out- Oh, I am sure of that one... I feel sorry for the family, but I tried to tell them and I was such the bad person...

Do I feel sorry for him?? In a way, yeah I do... I know that it is insane for me to feel that way... I have known the whole time that it would take jail for him to realize that you have to do what the court orders you to do- I am sorry that it has come to this- but you have to stand accountable in life for your reponsibilities, not just the things that you wanna do! What did you do to try to stand accountable for your kids?? You BORROWED money!! Did you even try to see them?? No!! Did you even try to call them?? No!! Now that you see handcuffs in your future you want someone to FIX the problem....

... Think it's a little late for that one!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Someone is Watchin Over Me

I have to share with you guys how my Monday went ...

I was scheduled to go to the Dr outta town... had to be there at 1:30pm... Usually my mom goes with me... She usually drives and we leave Albany anywhere from an hour and 15 min to an
hour and half before we have to be there.

Now that you know that - you should also know this- My mom has really weird coincidences sometimes... she always has! She found herself lookin at black pant suits the day after
Thanksgiving thinking to herself that it would be nice to wear to a funeral.... She did not tell anyone about this until later and said she would not have bought it anyway cuz she
would have already had something to wear.

Last week we got a phone call that my mom's half brother had passed away from a massive heart attack... Again, she had a really bad feeling about traveling to the funeral (to Chattanooga, Tenn)... She would not go by herself... my dad is having serious knee problems
right now... and she was afraid that between that and the divorce hearing coming up it would stress me enough to cause me to be bedridden for several days... She had such a strong feeling about that day that she would not go ANYWHERE that day- she stayed home all day!

Monday morning, when I called her to find out if she was goin with me to the dr (cause we had not made arrangements) ... my dad was home from work early and I told her not to worry about it - I would just go by myself but as I was telling her "yeah, I'm sure"... I had a flash that the
pant suit that she was looking at was for MY FUNERAL.... Oh my, well I surely didn't say anything to my mom about that... just hurried to get ready to go... I was running late when I left AND I had to stop and get gas (we usually go in her car).... I was thinkin that I hoped I could
even make it to the dr office on time!

It was really rainy here that day... I got right outside of Sylvester (on the Albany side) and my mom calls me having a fit... "Where are you?" The emergency sirens were goin off here in Albany and bad, bad weather heading thru Sylvester and towards Tifton... right in my path...

By this time... I am into the town of Sylvester... all the traffic lights on the main road are out and cops are directing traffic on the three I passed.... I get on the other side of town and start passing emergency vehicles heading back into Sylvester from the other way... What in the world??

Looks pretty bad over towards Tifton... already told mom to call and check on my boys... Called my mom back and she said that the bad stuff is indeed heading to Tifton and I am probably gonna get there about the same time... So I call the dr office and tell them what is goin on and they tell me to just go back home and reschedule...

So I turn around and head back thru Sylvester... emergency vehicles are passing me the whole time... even after I get thru the town... they are still coming into town from the other side! I ran into such bad weather trying to get back home that I had to slow down to almost a crawl and turn my flashers on several times...

When I get home and get on the internet- a friend is worried... tells me that they had a TORNADO go thru Sylvester and he knew that it would have been about the time I would be goin thru there... He did not, of course, know that I was running late leaving the house...

Had I rode with my mom- since she is never late- OR had I been on time leaving town and not had to get gas I would have been goin thru Sylvester right when that tornado hit...

It gives me chills to think that I am sooooo lucky right now- that someone was definitely lookin over me that day... Actually, someone has been looking over me since this whole divorce started- but they took extra steps to protect me on this particular day!

I hope that story touched your heart and gave you a warm feeling like it did me...